Hero photograph
Photo by Secretary Fletcher

News from Rm 1

Frances O'Hanlon/Sarah Muthiah —

As a way of showing our thoughts for the children who were affected during the Christchurch tragedy on March 15th we made paper dolls, these will be sent to Christchurch to be part of a country wide paper doll chain.

Rūma Tahi have been learning how to write descriptions. We have learnt to how to use adjectives and similes in order to create a picture for the reader. We looked at two pictures then described what we noticed in detail. We would like to share some of our best sentences with you.

The Bee By Willa

A sleek fully armoured leg stepped forward ready to pounce. Pointy antennae twitched in the air as shiny black marble eyes shimmered in the sun. Repetitive fluttering vibrations of the humming wings reached my ears. Soft fluffy stripes as black as night and as yellow as the sun stung my eyes with colour. A red tipped nose slowly moved towards me as delicate as ever was the pointy object in front of me.

The Bee By Ruby

The bee’s eyes were black like the night sky and were bulging out of his little head. Fluffy fur yellow like sweet honey and black like a pitch dark room. His nose was the shape of a curved axe about to chop something hard. Jointed legs were like tiny boxes stacked on each other that didn't fall. His claws were sharp connected to his legs were like mini knives that were ready to pounce.

The Bee By Dylan

The humming bee’s antennae was bendy and pointy like a thin twig. The wings were fluttering at the speed of light. Legs are black as the night sky. At the tip of the bees legs were very spiky claws . The eyes were the size of a miniature golf balls.

The Wide Eyed Owl By Louis

A giant feathered face rose up in front of me. Two, giant eyes looked down on my striped body. My wings buzzed so fast that my whole body started shaking, blurring my view. Wings moved as the face lunged at me. The tattered brown owl barely missed my elegant body but I knew that it was going to attack again so I zoomed away. The massive bird gave chase. I whizzed past old, tall, brown trees with the owl close behind. Ahead, there was a yellow object on a tree. My hive! I frantically flew into my hive. Safe!