Erin Namajuska — Aug 2, 2017

Y3 go back in time!

Last Friday the Year 3 children stepped back in time and explored what life was like in New Zealand in the 1840s.  They visited Howick Historic Village dressed in Victorian clothing.  They  all had such a great day. The children were fascinated with how different life was:  "What do you mean there was no electricity?"They loved taking part in the school session where they learnt that pencils did not exist, the teachers were very strict and writing left handed was against the rules.  They also got to make their own butter, play a variety of 'olden day' games and explore what life was like for someone living in the 1840s.  Girls always went first, while the boys waited, and boys had to walk around with their hands behind their backs.A big thank you to the amazing parents who joined Y3 in the trip ! You all looked amazing in your costumes.The Year 3 teachers are very excited to see where the children take their learning this term!