Hero photograph

Year 6 Camp

Erin —

Wow! What a week we had at Year 6 Camp! It was so nice to escape our current reality, embrace camp life and have fun every step of the way.  We are so incredibly proud of every child that attended.  They loved every minute, gave every activity a go, faced their fears, got stuck into duties, supported their peers and showed exceptional manners.

The children and parents worked tirelessly to perfect their hydroslide techniques to try and beat my record.  Some got close but the title still sits with me! (see the video for evidence- my other attempts were further).

A massive thank you to our exceptional parent crew. We were extremely lucky to have an outstanding group of parents join us. T hey really made this camp for our children and worked tirelessly supporting them and bringing the fun every step of the way.

The teachers were also absolute legends!  A big thank you to Nick, Grant, Kylie, Amelia and Ashley for their unwavering energy and commitment.

Year 6 Camp was the best- long lasting memories have been made!