Hero photograph
Photo by Secretary Fletcher


Helen Anderson —

Helen Anderson is taking enrolments NOW for the new School year.  Places will fill very fast, so get in today to secure your child’s enrolment for 2022. www.rhythmnsteps.co.nz online enrolment form.  From here you will receive a confirmation email with more information in it. The cost for the term is $135.00.  

Over the past 4 years we have taken DANCE CLASSES into local Primary Schools (Woodlands Park, Titirangi, Kaurilands and Laingholm) and taught students during their Lunch breaks. This has been absolutely ideal for the working family who find it hard to get to after school activities and helps keep your weekends free if this is your only Family time. They dance with their friends, feel confident and happy in the safe school environment.  During these trying times we have all experienced lately we have continued the classes via ZOOM and it has been expressed to me many times that this has been the highlight of the week for those children at home and for parents to see their children still taking part in fantastic dance education and being so focused, committed and happy!  

With the future still not quite clear, it is an ideal time to get your child into dance which will happen at School during their day as the new School year starts and will continue successfully what ever is happening around us.

I take this time to THANK the Principals who all allow this to happen in School and for their continued support to my small business.

Thank you all and I look forward to seeing your child in 2022 again face to face!

Helen Anderson