Josh/Georgia — Apr 11, 2019

Recently in Rūma Toru we have been working on our descriptive writing. Our focus has been on painting vivid pictures with the words we use. Here are a couple of stories inspired by an image of an old haunted house. They have been put together by a couple of passionate authors from our space. We hope you enjoy their work.

The haunted house - by Natsumi

The dark black sky was filled with massive clouds.  As the howling wind blew my ragged hair into my face I cautiously crept around the gloomy cold house.  The voices of the leafless trees whispered all around me.  I wondered what they were saying… crack!  The booming sound of the crackling lightning echoed in my ears.  As I stared at the old rusty house, I saw the dark shadows of a tangled up tree shining in the moonlight. Walking towards the haunted house, I felt a shiver running down my spine.  I was terrified!

Me and the Haunted House by Marcus

 Inspired by Eliott’s story about a haunted house.

The wind howled as the floorboards creaked like frogs in a pond.   Dead trees swayed gracefully around me as I crept towards the door.  Cautiously, I opened it.  Inside it was gloomy as a cave and there was dust everywhere.  Something skittered around in the dark interior of the house.  A clanking sound came echoing into the lobby. I began to think the rumours might be true. But they couldn’t be. Rumours are just rumours.  Another clank. This one a lot closer. I started to feel a little sketchy about this place.   Slam! I whirled around and saw that the door had shut closed behind me.  There was a soft click, and to my horror, I realised I had been locked in.

Who or what was doing this?  Could I pick the lock?  Could I even find a way out.

Suddenly, I was dragged out of my thoughts as clank.  Clank.  Clank. A set of armour came round the corner and stood still as if it had been there the whole time.  But I knew it wasn’t there the whole time.  I stepped closer to inspect it.  I looked it up and down but it just looked like a normal suit of armour.… In the dim light that the stained windows provided, I saw something purple glistening in the light.