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Waste Audit

The Environment Team —

Last term the school had a waste audit. The result was that our recycling systems were found to be highly contaminated ie: rubbish in wrong recycling bins.  The school has had our recycling practices operating for several years now.  Public awareness of recycling has grown and is well established.

The school has been advised by Compost Collective – ACC to make a slight change to our recycling operation.  As of next week (14 May, 2018) children will now be asked to take home their own rubbish from lunch boxes ie: yoghurt containers, glad wrap, chip packs etc to recycle at home.  However, the school has veggie gardens, compost bins and worm farms operating so we will still collect lunch food scraps.

It might be a timely reminder to encourage litterless lunch boxes ie: use compartment lunch boxes and/or containers for food rather than gladwrap etc.

We thank you for your co-operation and hope that you continue educating your children how to recycle and the future importance of doing so.

Yours sincerely

The Environment Team