Walking School Bus — Mar 24, 2021

There was a great turn out of parents to the meeting last week.  As a result we have another Walking School Bus that will be operating every morning and afternoon coming along Kaurilands Road.  In the mornings, they will be meeting in the bottom car park of Ceramco Park and walking along Kaurilands Road to school.  In the afternoons, they will walk back to the car park of Ceramco Park.  Organisation for this is underway, but it’s not too late to be involved.  Email secretary@kaurilands.school.nz and your details can be passed on.

We had other parents at the meeting from Atkinson Road (Daffodil Street end) and Roland Hill.  Unfortunately, we are not able to start buses from these streets yet.  However there have been several enquiries about a walking school bus from Pleasant Road.  If you are interested in a bus walking down to school from Pleasant Road/Roland Hill and Atkinson Road please email secretary@kaurilands.school.nz and when we have enough parents interested we can organise another meeting.

Park and Walk

Did you know that you don’t have to live on the roads the WSB use to be on the bus?  In fact, many families on the new WSB are driving to the meeting point and dropping children off to walk into school. This is a great way to avoid the queues of traffic around school.  If you are interested in joining either of the buses, and using the ‘Park and Walk’ idea, please get in touch with the office.