Principal's Message
Jo Augustine - August 28, 2017
We would like to farewell our current Board Chair - Helen Dunlop who has resigned from her position this week, you will be sadly missed Helen but we warmly welcome our new Board Chair - Carolyn Webster.
With the Netball season over, we would like to say a huge thank you to all our Coaches who dedicated their time and effort coaching our netball kids and of course a massive thank you to Erin Namajuska and Hannah Pragert who always willingly give their time and energy supporting all our students whether it be in netball, soccer, hockey, gymnastics or in fact any sport! We truly have a wonderful group of dedicated people. Erin has been nominated as Volunteer of the Year for Netball Waitakere - we would love as many votes as possible, if you would like to vote, please click on the link below (on the home page under Latest News):