Jo Augustine — Dec 20, 2019

Kia ora whānau

Congratulations to our end of year award winners who received their certificates and plaques at our final assembly (see photos below of the other three who missed this photo).

I would like to acknowledge teachers who are leaving at the end of 2019, Hamish Morgan, Ben Fletcher, Rearna Hartmann, Lisa Harding and Jill Bibby.  Thank you all for your amazing contributions to our school over the time you have been here.  We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.  Denise Neilson is leaving us from the office and we would like to thank her for being such a kind and generous member of our front of house team - we will miss you Denise.  Thank you to Liz Oldham who has been a teacher aide this year, we have appreciated all the work you have done.

Thank you to all in our amazing community, I would particularly like to acknowledge the Board of Trustees who provide us all with such amazing support.  I also would like to thank again Te Whānau Āwhina for all that they have contributed to Kaurilands School this year.  Huge thanks to the amazing staff of Kaurilands School on an incredible year, you all deserve a very well earned break.

As you know I will be on Sabbatical on Term 1, I leave you in the very capable hands of Erin Namajuska as Acting Principal and the Senior Leadership Team. 

I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday and I will see you all in April 2020.



Ooops, plus Luca - end of year winner!
...and Elias and Sophie end of year winners!