Hero photograph

Message from the Principal

Jo Augustine —

The new Strategic Plan is ready! (see attached below).  The plan has been an evolving document based on multiple sources.  Every year the Board puts out a community survey which gives us valuable feedback on how you see things happening at our school.  We have tried to incorporate themes from this in our new plan.  We held a hui for Māori whānau last year and have captured ideas from that meeting.  Our staff have contributed significantly to the plan over a number of sessions.  Our children also have a voice in what we are planning for them!

The senior leadership team meet with the Board for a Strategic planning day each year in February to develop our plan and look at our annual priorities.  We have tried to keep our plan short and succinct and very specific to new initiatives.

On the front page of the document we have summarised our big picture goals, curriculum principles and graduate learner dispositions (what skills we hope our children will leave with).

Our values are the same although we have dropped off Kotahitanga this year as it had a very similar meaning to Whanaungatanga

Our vision has changed this year following a lot of consultation.  We want to have a vision that everyone can say and understand as our previous vision was quite wordy and not necessarily understood by our children.  

The new wording: 

E tū pakari ana

(Standing strong)

E totoro teitei ana

(Reaching high)

is part of our pepeha which we say every single day and are words with meanings which can be understood at every level.

We are very happy with the imagery on this page which tells the story of our place.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to this plan.  It is owned by all of us in our kura.

Staff News

A warm welcome to our new families who have recently joined our school.  Our first six Year One classes are almost full and Room 17 will be opening on the 1st of April with Hayley Jesperson. Micaela Bonnar in Room 16 will be going on maternity leave from the 1st of April and will be replaced by Lisa Harding for the rest of the year.