Hero photograph


Jo Augustine —

Kaurilands School recently received a very generous gift of a defibrillator from Theo & Els Ariaens Baudewijns which will be a very welcome community resource. 

Els is a very well known and respected member of our school community - she and her husband, Theo, own and operate the 'Care 4 Kidz' Out of School Care Programme at Kaurilands School.  They recently donated a defibrillator to our school for use by us and the wider community.  

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a leading cause of death and response time is critical for survival. Many of those who experience SCA have no prior symptoms and get no warning and a defibrillator on site or very nearby increases the chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest by 40%. Less than 8% will survive if they do not receive immediate treatment. Performing CPR is not always enough to prevent death in this instance.   Therefore we are very fortunate to be recipients of this valuable donation .