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News from Room 4

Shannon Payne —

In Rūma Whā we have been reflecting on our time at Camp Adair which was the most amazing week spent challenging ourselves and stepping outside of our comfort zones. This week we have been writing about our camp experience and creating some bright pieces of art to show off our favourite activity. Check out some of the wonderful work by our students and enjoy reading why they loved that activity the most!

"I chose the Pirate’s Walk because it was the most challenging activity out of them all. I was able to overcome my fear of heights and felt extremely proud of myself" - Manawa

“My favourite activity at camp was the rock climbing wall because it was fun, exciting and also scary at the same time. When I climbed up the wall, I felt scared but I did it anyway.” - Mina

 “I chose the Pirate’s Walk because when I went up the ladder, I felt like I couldn’t do it but I proved myself wrong. I climbed up the whole thing and felt proud of myself. The Pirates Walk is as high as the tallest trees!” - Oriana

“Rock climbing was one of my favourite activities at camp because I had lots of fun doing it. It was also exciting because I could fall off at any point. I was able to get to the very top which made me feel proud.” - Sophia

“I chose to do the rock climbing wall for my art because it was really challenging and fun. I overcame my fear of heights.” - Layla 

 “I decided to draw the rock climbing wall because I have a big fear of heights and I was so happy that I ended up having the confidence to do it.” - Neo

"My favourite activity was the rock climbing wall because I am scared of heights. At the beginning I didn’t believe I could do it but at the end I was happy that I tried my best and got half way up the wall.” - Loma