Update from the School Board
I hope you are all safe and well in your bubbles. Hopefully it won’t be too long until everyone is back at school. In the meantime, I want to acknowledge the hard work our wonderful staff are doing to support our children learning from home – in many cases while they are also helping their own kids’ learning.
Ensuring the make-up of our board reflects the school community has always been important. For some time, we’ve wanted to bring on an additional board member to better represent our Māori community. We’re really pleased that Jaimee Kirby-Brown has agreed to join the board as a co-opted member.
Many of you will know Jaimee, but for those who don’t here is a brief bio:
Tēnā koutou katoa. I am of Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Ruanui and Ngāruahine descent. I have three children: a daughter in year 5, a son in year 2 and my younger son is about to start school as a new entrant. I am a lawyer and have lived in Titirangi for 15 years. Our whānau are enthusiastic members of the school and wider Kaurilands and Titirangi communities and I look forward to assisting the school in my role on the Board.
We’re excited about Jaimee joining us and the different perspectives she will bring. Jaimee will be on the board until the next scheduled elections (next June), when the school community will have a chance to have their say on the full board.