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How much fun is this!

Year 3 Sleepover

Erin Namajuska —

Best ever sleepover!

Wow! What an amazing day and a half we had at our Year 3 Sleepover. It was lovely seeing everyone get stuck into all the different activities, enjoying every minute and challenging themselves to try new things.  We are super proud of all of our Year 3 students and enjoyed watching them take part in this experience.  I would like to thank the amazing group of parents who gave up their time to join us.  It was because of you that this sleepover was such a success for all the children.  You made every part of the afternoon, evening and following day exciting for all, whether it be at the camp fire toasting marshmallows, firing water guns at the swimming pool, encouraging people at the climbing wall, racing against and cheering on children at the inflatable obstacle course or cooking, preparing and serving meals.  We are very lucky to have such dedicated and encouraging parents in our community. Another big thank you needs to go out to the amazing team of year 3 teachers; Abby Skeen, Micaela Bonnar, Sarah Muthiah and Zac Riddell. Also thank you to Emma Best and Jackie Taylor.  What an amazing group of people.The Year 3 sleepover was a great success and fun for all. Bring on Year 4 camp next Year!

Erin Namajuska