Hero photograph

News from Room 22

Robyn Applegate —

This term our Year 2 tamariki have been learning about space and in Week 3 Room 22 went on a trip to the Stardome Observatory and Planetarium. Here are some photos and a recount by Natalie all about our exciting day out! 

Yesterday we went to Stardome and learnt about space. First we went on a bus that was white. The bus was very noisy and crowded. My group’s parent helper was Aryan’s Mum. She was very nice. When we got there we played on the playground. My favourite part was the long green slide. After that we went into Stardome. The first room was about space and a man told us about the solar system. Then we did a scavenger hunt. We had an ipad and it had photos and questions. We would have to find the photo around the room and answer the quiz. Finally we went into the planetarium and watched a movie all about planets. It was so cool and I felt very happy.

By Natalie Walsh