Hero photograph
Amelia looks as if she is really enjoying having her nails done during lockdown!

Principal's Message

Jo Augustine —

Kia ora e te whānau

Here's hoping we can soon be moving levels and all be back at school together!  In the meantime we hope Level 3 kicks in next week so we are able to accommodate the children of essential workers at school and get our hall project finished!  There are about 10 days worth of work left to be done on the hall so Level 3 would be the perfect time!  As we need Rūma Kowhai as a classroom starting hopefully the first day of term 4, Care 4 Kidz will need to be able to move back to the hall and we might get to use this space which has been missing for a long time!  Level 3 will also be a great chance for the court developments to continue as there is quite a bit to still be done.  Not to mention our new Senior playground which hasn't even started!

Te Whānau Āwhina have been busily working throughout lockdown preparing fundraising activities for our school.  In this newsletter you will see some funky tea towels designed by Jess Pearce, one of our parents which you can purchase and in doing so support our school.  These look brilliant thanks Jess.

Another event which is being planned in the background is our big one which couldn't happen last year but we really hope will happen this year in one way or another!  This is the annual Kaurilands Quiz Night which is a not to be missed event!  This year's event is shaping up to be a fun night of entertainment and all the details will be coming out in the not too distant future.  In the meantime if you are new to our school since the last quiz night and you have items or services you would like to donate to us as silent or live auction items please email anitam@kaurilands.school.nz with the details and we will contact you about these.  We are extremely appreciative of donations we have already received from so many.  It's going to be a great quiz night!

Take care and look after yourselves our wonderful Kaurilands whānau!  We miss you!

