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Parenting Place Evening

Te Whānau Āwhina —

Te Whānau Āwhina

Join us for an evening with Parenting Place speaker John Cowan as he shares strategies for raising happy, confident and resilient children.

Confident, resilient children deflect trouble, resist pressure, handle stress and recover from setbacks.  All children can be helped to tackle life and grow up to have a ‘can-do’ attitude.

  • Wednesday 27 March - Kaurilands School Hall
  • Tickets $20 per person, $30 per couple, includes arrival drink
  • Doors 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start
  • Tickets available on kindo or from the school office
  • This is a fundraising event for the school.

For more information about The Parenting Place go to https://www.theparentingplace.com/our-story
Te Whanau Awhina