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Trinity Catholic College

Issue 13 2021

14 May: Year 12 Biology Trip

18 May: Individual Road Race Cross Country at Logan Park

19 May: Cultural mufti day. Pentecost Mass. Year 7 - 9 Parent / Student meetings with Kaiako & Subject Teachers

21 May: Level 2/3 Agribusiness Field Trip.  Pink Shirt Day.  Gold coin donation

24 May: Tertiary Open Day – Year 13. “Love me Not” Programme – Year 12

26 May: Big Day Out – St Bernadettes

27 May: Caversham Relay

28 May: Attitudes to Learning published on Edge

31 May: Year 7 & 8s Rippa Rugby Tournament

31 May/ 2 June: Year 13 Biology Trip to Portobello Marine studies Centre

2 June:  Milton Relay

3/4 June:  Ngā Manu Kōrero (Otago/ Southland Regionals)

4 June:  Kāhui Ako Combined Catholics Schools Teacher only Day. School Closed

7 June:  Queen’s Birthday (school closed)

9 June:  Big Day Out – St Mary’s Mosgiel. Careers Expo – Year 11 & 12

10 June:  Junior Catholic School Sports Tournament. Otago Cross Country

11 June:  Year 13 PED Aquathon

13/14 June:  Otago Secondary Schools Netball Champs

14 June:  Big Sing – Town Hall

16 June:  Year 12 Chemistry Trip

17 June:  Bookings open for Year 10-13 Parent Teacher Interviews to be held on 8 July

23 June:  Big Day Out – Sacred Heart and St Mary’s Dunedin

25 June:  Attitudes to Learning published on Edge


Principal's Message

by Kate Nicholson

Kia ora tātou

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Celebrating Pentecost

by Kathleen O'Kane

On Wednesday 19th May, the College will celebrate the feast of Pentecost

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Sausage Sizzle

by Amelia Bresanello

Lunchtime, Friday 14 May in the Mercy Playground

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Mufti Day - 19 May

by Staff

The purpose of the mufti day is to encourage students to look at their cultural background, and to understand that we are all united by our faith.

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Pink Shirt Day 2021

by Erica Ward

Join us on Friday 21 May, 2021 as we Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!

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Kahui Ako Teacher Only Day– Friday 4th of June 2021

by Ian Adamson

On Friday the 4th of June all the teaching and support staff in all our Catholic Schools are gathering at Kavanagh College for a day of high quality, targeted professional learning.

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Seussical Viewing Party

by Erica Ward

On Tuesday 25th May, 5pm, we will be hosting a viewing party of Seussical the Musical

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Year 7 – 9 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

by Steve Read

Parent Interviews will be held on Wednesday 19th May in the Mercy Block

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by Tim Lucas

Tēnā tātou e te whānau o Kawana

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Jazz Band

by Georgie Watts

Kavanagh Jazz Band starts up again on Tuesday Week 3!

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Gifted and Talented

GATE opportunities starting next week

by Georgie Watts

A series of sessions this term will be run on general musings about the world, including trips and discussions on topics from ancient civilisations, to current affairs and politics.

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by Tim Lucas

On Tuesday morning when most Kavanagh College students were enjoying their Teacher Only Day sleep in, six of our students were getting ready for school.

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Kavanagh College Parents and Friends Association

by Steve Read

Dear Parents

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Agribusiness Update

by Jill Armstrong

Under The Door Enterprises (YES team) has produced a 60-second video for an application for seed funding.

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by Anthony Harris

Congratulations to Ruby de Graaf and Katie Pullar who were selected for the U17 and U19 Otago Volleyball teams respectively

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School Uniform Reminder

by Staff

Thank you to those students who are ensuring they are presenting themselves well at school with tidy, correct uniforms.

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Year 10 Aquatic Lessons

by Anthony Harris

All Year 10 classes are completing four or five aquatic lessons during Term 2. These will occur during timetabled Health and Physical Education time at Moana Pool

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Adverse Weather Information

by Staff

A reminder of the procedure should adverse weather affect the school day

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Onsite Physiotherapist

by Tricia James

Back in Motion support a Physiotherapist on school site for our injured athletes

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Sports Subs due

by Anna Louw-Young

All charges for Winter Sports Subs have now been added to school accounts

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How to Find Sports Draws, Dates and Registrations:

by Michael MacKenzie

Here is a step by step in photos or click into the PDF file attached.

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Kavanagh Cross Country Proves Popular with Students

by Michael MacKenzie

On Friday 7 May we held our annual cross country at Jubilee Park

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Discounted Taxi Fares From Schools to the Edgar Centre

by Michael MacKenzie

Getting your kids and teens from school to the Edgar Centre to play sport can often be a challenge for many families.

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Kavanagh Scarf, Beanies and Training Tops/Shorts

by Anna Louw-Young

The scarves and beanies are very popular. Both are available from the Bursar's Office.

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Table Tennis Success for Kavanagh Students

by Michael MacKenzie

Congratulations to Joseph Tupai (Y7) and Lam Duong (Y9) who have both been selected for Otago Table Tennis teams for the South Island tournament being held in Christchurch at Queens Birthday weekend.

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Kavanagh Basketball

Otago Under 13 Basketball Trials

by Michael MacKenzie

Here is the info and registration form for the U13 trials.

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