News Letter — Jul 23, 2020

We would love you to join us to cheer on your child/ren as they conquer cross country on Monday 27 July at 1.45pm.

Order of events:

Year 1’s
Year 6 boys

Year 6 girls

Year 5 boys

Year 5 girls

Year 4 boys

Year 4 girls

Year 3 boys

Year 3 girls

Year 2 boys

Year 2 girls

Where to spectate: There are 4 places you can spectate:

1. The junior playground- behind the cones (for Kowhai runners, year 2s

and year 3s)

2. Bottom field turf, elevated concrete slab & new playground- behind the


3. The new playground.

4. Along Simla Street or Woodmancote on the opposite side of the footpath to that being used by our runners.

It's a quick turnaround between school and Northern Zones Cross Country. It will be Friday 31st July. An email will be sent out on Monday afternoon to the parents whose children will be attending.