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Photo by News Letter

Year 5/6 Zoo Trip

News Letter —

On Wednesday, the Year 5/6 hub ventured off to the zoo for the day.

During lockdown and on returning to school, the students worked with the zoo to learn about animal habitats, the 5 key aspects of animal welfare and how the zoo works to ensure this. The children then learnt all about aspects of measurement to design and create a collaborative 3D scale model for an animal of their choosing. In the last week of term, we hosted a gallery where whanau could come and see the amazing work the tamariki had done.

To finish our learning, we headed to see Claudia, Charles and Tim for an education session at the zoo. The students learnt all about animal adaptations focusing on the chimps, cheetahs and invertebrates and then spent time exploring the zoo. We had a special visit from Atanga the pig who showed us how smart and adaptable kunekune pigs can be!

A special thanks to all our amazing parent helpers who came with us on the trip - we had such a fabulous time and are so grateful to you for giving up your time to support our learning.