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Photo by News Letter

Onslow College Host Families

Newsletter —

The Onslow College International Department would like to hear from you if your family/someone you know is interested in hosting an international student with the school.

Hosting a student from overseas can be a really fun opportunity to learn about a different culture, support them in their English (and reo Māori!) journey, share our beautiful country with the world and, hopefully, make meaningful connections that last a lifetime.

You can host either on a short term or long-term basis.We have short term students coming from Europe and Asia in July - a great opportunity to see if being a homestay whānau is for you. These students will pay their host family a weekly homestay fee of $330 ($ 340 in 2024). We offer ongoing, 24/7 support and will try to match you based on your interests and preferences.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please email our homestay manager - homestay@onslow.school.nz - to express your interest, find out more info, and let us know a little about yourself.