Hero photograph
Photo by News Letter

Principal's Pen

News Letter —

Kia ora whanau. What a great turn out of Onesies today! The photos say it all! Thank you everyone for your gold coin donations towards the Wellington Free Ambulance, a great cause.

Khandallah students are all very excited to be discovering lots of new and fascinating facts about their Science Inquiries which are looking at Planet Earth and Beyond and integrating Matariki this term.

Kaka Hub had a great trip to the Wellington Sports Centre to learn to play Ki O rahi this week and they came back very enthusiastic and asked me to buy the new equipment so they can play more often.

I have loved reading Kowhai Hubs stories that they have been writing over the last few weeks and of course the big gold stickers have been a great incentive too.

Next week Matai,Kaka,Kereru and Korimako will be holding the 3 way learning conferences that were missed earlier in the term. We will be following Level 2 health guidelines and social distancing requirements.

Fingers crossed we can have all our families back into school to celebrate the Arts Extravaganza in Week 10, we have been working hard on this. It always amazes me how artistic our children are and they love sharing their ideas so freely.

Thank you everyone for your continued support while we are at Level 2.