Wellington City Active Travel Research Project

Newsletter —


Kia ora parents/guardians, 

My name is Zara Molijn and I am a Masters student in Public Policy at the Victoria University of Wellington. The Wellington City Council want to better understand what is holding years 0 through 8 children back from walking, biking, scootering and/or skating to and from school.  

To be able to gain this type of insight, we need your help! 

We are asking that just one parent/guardian per household fills out an anonymous 5 - 10 minute survey.

The survey will be open for 3 weeks. Thus, from midnight on Wednesday the 19th of April we will no longer be accepting responses. 

Follow this link to the Survey: http://vuw.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9N1SndqcjyIMNiC

Your response will provide us with valuable insights that will help inform how we can make active school travel safe and easy. 

Your response is anonymous therefore we will not be able to identify you. Additionally, all results will be presented at an aggregate level meaning schools will not be individually identifiable. 

As a thank you for your participation, completed surveys that state a child's school will be entered into a prize draw where the school can win 1 of the 3 sports equipment prize packs. The more parents from the school that complete the survey, the more chances the school will have to win. The equipment in these prize packs has been kindly donated by the Wellington Community Sports Bank. The winners for these prize packs will be drawn by a random number generator at the end of May, 2021.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at molijnzara@myvuw.ac.nz

We appreciate your time and thank you in advance.

Ngā mihi nui, 

Zara Molijn