King’s High School BookGang
The BookGang is the King’s High School Bookclub. It has been running for 10 years now and all are welcome!
This year BookGang will be on Fridays at lunchtimes. Students in the BookGang bring their lunch and join in a discussion about the books they are reading, the book they want to read and fight over the new books. BookGang members get first access to all the new books coming into the library. One of the best things about BookGang is that students get to meet other students from school who are interested in reading or who like books, and make connections with them. Often lasting friendships are struck up via BookGang.
Sometimes – when a movie comes out which is related to a book we have enjoyed, we will have an outing to see it. This is purely optional, we meet at the movie theatre and each of us buy our own movie tickets (and snacks if needed - they are always needed). Parents are encouraged to come along if they want to and sometimes other staff from school will join us. Students will be given an information sheet when a movie outing is coming up. Last year we went to Fantastic Beasts.
At other times we will have activities in the evening in the library; we like shared lunches and sometimes have guest speakers come along. In the past we have had a Dr Who night, games events and other activities. If you would like to see what activities the BookGang get up to, please visit The King’s High School Library Blog. You can Google that or find the link on the Library page of the Moodle.
The library is a hub for readers and non-readers at interval and lunchtime. We have a team of student librarians who help run the library. It is a really busy place.
Students are issued books for a period of 3 weeks. Graphic novels (comics) and manga are the exception. These are only issued for 3 days. If you find books under the bed or lying around your home, please put them into your boy’s bag to bring back to school so that others can have access.
The library loves donations of books, if you are clearing out bookshelves please keep us in mind.
Bridget Schaumann
Librarian/Careers Advisor
King’s High School