Darin Smith — Nov 16, 2023

There was a famous saying, from a famous movie, from a famous actor...and it went like this, “Life is like a box of chocolates”.

This underlying message simply states that life presents many different opportunities. The key is to put oneself in a position to take them—opportunities—when on offer and when they present themselves.

I look at what is available to our young men, from an Academic, Cultural, Music and Sporting perspective.

There is vast and plentiful options available and there is many chances to enjoy a range of subjects and activities right through from Year 9 to Year 13.

I wish to encourage our young men as they head into the final stages of the year—whether it be our juniors concluding their time in the next few weeks or our seniors finishing up their NCEA examinations—to not only reflect on the year that has been but to return with a goal of what more can I add to my wheelhouse. Are there subjects I should be chasing to do, or is there a cultural or sporting group I should be looking to join or a musical instrument I should be considering to try.

Take the opportunities.

“We get one chance – so it is important we do not live with any regrets”.