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School Absences

Mark Greenfield —

Please see below for a reminder about the reporting of school absences and illness.

If your son is absent from school for any reason, please contact our Attendance officer, Julie Collings, as soon as possible on the day of the absence; or before, if it is a planned absence. We require the parent or caregiver to contact us with the absence please, not the student themselves. 

You can contact Julie by ringing the school number 03 4557547 and following the prompt on how to contact the Attendance office. You can alternatively email the absence to Julie on ao@kingshigh.school.nz

If you son is feeling unwell at school, he needs to go to the Attendance office to see our First Aid Administrator, Julie Collings. She will contact you if your son is too ill to continue at school and make arrangements for him to go home. The students are not to ring home and make their own arrangements please.