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Term 2 – NCEA Teacher Only Day – Monday 24th April 2023

Darin Smith —

Please be aware we have been advised from the Ministry of Education that a Teacher Only Day will be required to take place in Term 2, 2023.

Given this year the official day for ANZAC Day is on Tuesday 25th April (second day back at school for Term 2), the decision has been made that King’s High School will be holding our Teacher Only Day on Monday 24th April.

Therefore the first day back at school for Teaching and Learning in Term 2, will be Wednesday 26th April.

It is our view that having our NCEA Teacher Only Day (Monday 24th April), followed by the ANZAC Day, Public Holiday (Tuesday 25th April) will alleviate disruptions to the start of Term 2 for both students and staff.

We thank you in advance for your support.