Hero photograph
Photo by Teresa Robertson

Shakespeare Group performs at the Allen Hall Theatre

Andrew McKenzie —

This was an excellent opportunity for our young men to share their drama skills during the 'Lunchtime theatre'.

The Drama Shakespeare Group took a day to travel to Allen Hall Theatre at the University of Otago and perform a 15-minute excerpt of Romeo and Juliet for the lunchtime theatre. 

We were part of a double-bill with Logan Park High School, who presented 15 minutes from The Two Gentlemen of Verona. 

This was an amazing experience for our nine actors: we got to pack in, rehearse, adjust lights and set, and perform our scene in a professionally-functioning black box theatre, to a paying audience of about 60. 

Special thanks go to Martyn Roberts from Allen Hall Theatre, who managed the theatre space and our cast, and Professor Stuart Young, who extended the invitation!

Needless to say, the boys performed awesomely - this is now the third venue they have performed the scene in, after our own PAC in April, and the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington, in June. 

Congratulations to everyone involved.