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Nick McIvor —

This term, while watching our boys participate in sport, performing, and other opportunities, it’s pleasing to see just how reliable they’ve been.

Whether turning up on time, having the right gear or equipment, and in the right state, keeping to the plan for the game or event, or being committed to the team or group and its rules, much has hinged on the reliability of the boys; on being able to count on them to provide what was needed when it was needed, and for the good of all involved in some way.

At King’s we achieve so much from the ongoing reliability of the boys. In a way, we have a dependency on their willingness to be dependable. It’s crucial to their academic success too. It’s also a vital source of confidence. The reliability of individuals soon instils confidence in others, or as Robert Hicks pointed out: ‘Dependability is the base upon which all confidence rests in full security'. [1] 

So well done to all the boys who’ve been so reliable during this busy term. Thank you for being trustworthy, steady, unwavering, and resolute, and for seeing things through to the best end. In short, for being someone that other students, staff, and parent volunteers could count on. For giving what needed to be given and getting done what needed to be done – reliably.

Nick McIvor


[1] (R. E. Hicks, 1932, Hubpages.com