Hero photograph
Hot Cross Buns
Photo by Jo Harford

Students celebrate Easter

Jo O'Brien —

Members of the Prefect and Christian group took to the kitchen this morning to split, cook and butter 600 Hot Cross buns to distribute to students and staff.

The Year 13 Common Room was quickly transformed to a prep room with about a dozen sous chefs issuing instructions in between buttering buns and displaying them on platters for distribution around the school at interval. 

Mr Everett was in charge of the prepping area while Ms O’Brien took care of the business end of splitting and cooking along with her talented team of Liam Hewson, Janadhi Dissanayake, Alex van der Weerden, Tate Barron and Chanse Peita. While at times, chaos looked like it might win out and mascara was running, calmness prevailed and 1100 beautifully heated, buttered and presented hot cross buns were ready on time.

Happy Easter everyone.

Ms O’Brien, Mr Everett, Senior Prefects and the Christian Group.