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The Path to Academic Personal Excellence

Mark Greenfield —

The end of the year and summer season is almost upon us. I observe the steady approach of the holiday season start to show through in shops and in advertising and in the quieter school areas at break time here at school with the senior students away on study leave. Coinciding with their departure, the weather has also been getting steadily warmer, but I do not think the two are linked. It is also the season of examinations and formal school reports; it will not be too long before the end of year reports for juniors arrive, and the senior students will have recently received theirs. Like the assessment and examination results obtained throughout the year, I am reminded that these reports are opportunities for a little bit of honest reflection on the academic strides made. There will be subjects where things may have progressed nicely, and perhaps some where it is clear greater steps could have been taken.

Kobe Bryant, widely regarded as one of the greatest Basketball players in NBA history had a saying – “The only thing I can control is how hard I work.” I particularly like this quote because it reminds me that regardless of circumstance and situation, we still have control over ourselves and how we choose to tackle anything. It reminds me that whatever the outcome, the main aspect I was in control of was the attitude and effort that I applied. I have also heard the same quote distilled to two words as “maximum effort” by a red spandex clad Marvel antihero, but I am sometimes not sure he was talking about the same concept in quite the same way.

To all who take the time to reflect and recognise that they gave of their best I wish to extend my congratulations as you have found the key to achieving academic personal excellence. This pursuit of achieving to the best of your ability is the lens your academic success should be viewed through, and it should be the yardstick that future endeavours are measured against. No one can ever ask of you more than giving your best but remember that your best is not a fixed quantity as it can always be extended with hard work, and recharged with a great summer break.