Rachel Campbell — Aug 19, 2021

Don't miss out, ensure your application process is underway.

Otago Polytech Coursing Assistance

This will be rescheduled to a later date. Once a date is confirmed it will be communicated.

Victoria University Coursing Assistance - 'face to face options' are been cancelled, webinars will be scheduled.

Victoria University Scholarship Application Closing Dates

Scholarship applications for Victoria University close on 1st September. Note that there is no leniency on closing dates/times and submission after these dates will mean your application will not be considered.

University of Otago Application Closing Dates

If you require assistance with your application, please see Mrs Campbell in the Careers Office.

Hands-On Otago - This is an amazing opportunity 

Applications are now open for 2022 Year 12 and 13 students. This event is held from the 16-21 January 2022. Applications close on 24th September. Some Scholarships are available. If you would like more information please head to the following link: www.otago.ac.nz/hands-on-at-otago/.

Hall of Residence Applications

Hall of Residence applications are now open for most Universities. Applications close mid-late September, depending on the Institute, however it is strongly advised to get your application in well in advance of this. Details for specific Universities can be found via the following links:

University of Canterbury Open Day

The University of Canterbury are holding their Open Day on Thursday 9th September. Further information can be found via their website https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/events/tours-and-events/open-days

University of Auckland Open Day - 'Watch this space' this may change!

The University of Auckland is holding their Open Day on Saturday 28th August. Further details can be found on their website https://www.opendayonline.ac.nz/Register?utm_medium=print&utm_campaign=OpenDay2021&utm_content=&utm_source=friendlyURL