Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Dryden

Itinerant Music Teachers Annual School’s Concert

Jo Dryden —

Once again, Year 9 students were entertained and educated by the Itinerant Music teaching team, whose annual concert inspires our students to take up the opportunity to learn a musical instrument during their school years.

Science has shown that playing any musical instrument is known to rewire the brain with increased connectivity and sophistication, helping your brain more than any other activity by changing its structure and function for the better. It also improves long-term memory, mental alertness, and brain development, especially for those who start at a young age. 

We have nine instrumental and vocal tutors who visit us throughout the week to give lessons to students during and after school. We are very lucky to have this amazing group of teachers come into school to provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop on their chosen instruments. They inspire and challenge each and every student. 

Any student wishing to learn an instrument is welcome to apply by filling in and returning the attached sign-up form. This can also be collected from the Music Department or the Student Office.