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Photo by Teresa Robertson

Positive Education: Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties

Dave Ross —

Resilience is a key character strength that must be practised and learnt. Only through experience can we learn, develop and improve.

Resilience... Complete an online resilience quiz:

How Resilient Are You?

  https://www.verywell. com/quiz-how-resilient-are you-4008851.

  • Reflect:  How accurate do you think the results of this quiz are? What aspects do you agree/disagree with? 
  • Write about someone you think is a good coach or mentor who helped you to master a skill. 
  • Explaining who the coach is, what the skill was and what the coach did or said that made them a good coach.

Stuck on an Escalator

 https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=VrSUe_m19FY

This clip shows examples of unhelpful thinking and that sometimes our thinking patterns are ‘stuck in a rut’, or fixed, preventing us from developing positive solutions.

  • Identify a difficult situation you are experiencing. 
  • Draw some thought bubbles containing any fixed, ‘stuck in a rut’ thoughts you have been experiencing, leaving some space underneath each thought bubble. 
  • Then, write a new more helpful thought underneath each bubble.