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Weekly Notes begin this week

School Office —

A student’s progress in regard to his application and effort is assessed by the Weekly Note system. All students receive a grade from ‘5’ (Merit referral) to a ‘1’ (failure to complete homework or referral from class) in each subject, every week. The following are indicators for the grades available in Weekly Notes.

When a student receives a 5, this is a Merit Referral. A Merit referral is gained for an exceptional piece of classroom work. It is related to curriculum-based activity and will not be awarded with great regularity - simply when a student has completed some outstanding work or achieved an exceptional result.

When a student receives a 4, this is the highest grade possible for usual classroom activities during a week. Students who gain this grade have achieved a high standard of application, effort and behaviour that demonstrates ‘personal excellence’.

When a student receives a 3, they have displayed application, effort and behaviour that consistently meets the classroom expectations.

When a student receives a 2, they have not met classroom expectations in terms of application, effort and behaviour. These students will be followed up by the Dean.

When a student receives a 1, this grade can only be awarded for two reasons.

  1. If the student has been referred (removed) from class during the week then he automatically receives a 1. If this takes place, then the parent will have been contacted by the school (as per our policy on referrals).
  2. If a student has not completed his homework during the week, he will receive a 1. A parent will be able to determine the reason for this grade because if there has been no contact from the school regarding a referral then it can be assumed the 1 is for failure to complete homework.

Students who receive an overall average of 4.1+ per term will be rewarded with leadership points. They will also join Mr McIvor for Morning Tea.