Hero photograph
Photo by Richard Dougherty

Positive Education

David Sefton —

The link between Positive Education and Personal Excellence.

Personal excellence has become embedded in the language and values of our school. It is a concept easily understood by the boys. We all strive to do the best we can in all facets of our lives. 

Being the best version of ourselves be it in the classroom or on the sporting field is a noble pursuit. Our students are encouraged to set meaningful goals and deserve to feel proud when these goals are attained. 

Given that personal excellence is very tangible how does it relate to the concept of positive education which has been adopted by our school in more recent times. In fact, has positive education replaced personal excellence? The answer here is no. To keep things simple both concepts need each other.

As a positive education school our staff are encouraged to acknowledge and build the strengths of all of our boys. As individuals we are different but we all have our strengths. As we learn to develop these we put ourselves on the right path to success. Our teachers focus on what can be done as opposed to what cannot be done. This is a sensible and compassionate approach. 

Positive education fosters an environment whereby our boys can attain their own personal excellence.