Two Judges Discretionary Awards for 'King's Work' in festival
This year King's High School entered two teams in the SGCNZ Otago Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival 2023
One 5-minute scene from Macbeth, a student-directed piece starring and directed by Year 13 students: Casey Jowsey, John Warman and Chris Klemetson. The other was a 15-minute teacher-directed piece from The Comedy of Errors and this was a collaboration between Dr Wyvill, Miss Welvaert and an extremely talented bunch of students from years 9-13.
Both teams did themselves proud in a quality festival featuring talents from across the region. Our work was recognised in the Judges Discretionary Awards – a special commendation to Harvey Rawlings for a Notable Performance Award and one for the costumes in The Comedy of Errors
The festival is a great opportunity for high school students to learn about Shakespeare and human nature, as he understood the many flaws and foibles of humanity. We haven’t changed as much as we would like to think.
“It was a great journey guy’s” - Rahul Rao Nilapu