Junior Speech Competition
The Year 9 and 10 Speech competition showed a high calibre of opinions and speaking skills.
Year 9
First: Ali Al Tooq 9Nk, Second: Noah Brummit 9Yg, Third: Logan Geddes 9Gi
Highly Commended: Seva Solomatenko 9Nk
With speeches ranging from the situation in Palestine to School Uniforms
Year 10
The competition was hotly and very tightly fought, resulting in,
First Equal: Ted Menzies 9Wt and Declan Viljoen 10Jf, Third Equal: Jacob Anderson and Connor Gray 10Wt
Highly Commended: Jaiyvish Pratap 10Wt
With an impressively high and consistent standard set particularly by the winners speaking on Personal Responsibility and Insects as a Future Food Source …watch this space for a potential Otago Wide Competition to follow next year.
Well done to everyone that that competed.