Nic Sullivan — Sep 16, 2021

Help others to work well together, showing the way or encouraging.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” US President John F. Kennedy.

There is a common misconception that you are born a leader or not. But as stated above by past US President JFK “leadership and learning” go hand in hand. 

We can all grow our leadership capacity by focusing on key characteristics of what makes a great leader, learning these skills and putting them into practice.

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10 Characteristics of a Good Leader:

  1. Integrity – This is very important, as we need honesty with those we are working with and ourselves
  2. Ability to delegate – This can be hard to do, to hand over control on a task. This will help build others skillsets, increase teamwork and trust in your team/group
  3. Communication – Effective communication will help the team/group work as efficiently as possible. Listening to others ideas and opinions, and being able to discuss your own is critical
  4. Self-Awareness – Learning and understand your own strengths and work ons will help you become a more effective leader
  5. Gratitude – Saying thank you and showing gratitude to others
  6. Learning Agility – Being able to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. You can work on this by practicing problem-solving in a variety of ways
  7. Influence – Being able to convince people through logical, well thought out plans
  8. Empathy – Being kind and inclusive to those around you
  9. Courage – To speak up and be heard. Dealing with issues rather than avoiding them or letting them linger
  10. Respect – Treating people the way you would like to be treated will help create a trusting environment in the team/group.
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“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. That’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal.” (Legendary American Football Coach Vince Lombardi)

By working on all of the characteristics above you will not only improve your leadership with others, but you will also continue to grow the leadership of your own life.

“Earn your leadership every day.” Basketball Superstar Michael Jordan.