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2022 Subject Choices

Mark Greenfield —

It's time to think about courses for "2022"

Students and caregivers have been invited to enter option choices for next year via the school's KAMAR Web Portal. 

This section is made available under both parent and student logins for a limited time to collect option choices. It is hoped that both students and parents are involved in the decision-making process.

  • The portal is open until Friday 20th August 

Information about the available subjects can be found in the digital handbooks on the school website

 https://www.kingshigh.school.nz/academic/option-choices or by clicking on the subject name while making subject choices.

The parent portal link can be accessed via the mortar board icon on our navigation menu (the right of the bottom three icons) on the school website or by navigating directly to https://portal.kingshigh.school.nz.

  • Students already know their personal usernames and passwords as it is the same as his login at school.
  •  Caregiver usernames and passwords remain the same as those detailed earlier in the year. If you require this information to be sent again, please do not hesitate to let us know. 

At the same time, we also encourage you to take the time to look over the other sections of the portal and familiarise yourself with it if you have not already. 

The portal allows parents and students to view a range of information such as students personal details, timetables, attendance, academic progress, career pathway information, past reports and fees information.

If there are any problems we encourage you or your son to seek out his Year level Assistant Principal to have his choices entered manually.  

We are happy to help.