Hero photograph
Photo by Teresa Robertson

Life is about drama

Teresa Robertson —

Andrew McKenzie is one of the many teachers here at King's that are passionate about their subject area. His infectious attitude toward Drama is inspiring.

Mr. Mckenzie was recently published in the Education Gazette celebrating Shakespeare for being as relevant today as it was in the past.  That Shakespeare offers students a vehicle to express their own truth, to make sense of their own world around them today...

"What binds us Shakespeare has never been more relevant. He’s about tapping into what makes us human, and our shared, common experience,” says Andrew. 

Characters from all walks of life and many different cultures tread the boards to share in laughter, tragedy, love, and hate. The same core human emotions are felt by all of them – Shakespeare points out our shared humanity and asks us to embody it, if only for the duration of a scene.” 

King’s High School performed a 15-minute excerpt from Romeo and Juliet at this year’s festival, which won two awards. 

“Because Romeo and Juliet primarily deals with youths and their families, it is particularly accessible to students,” says Andrew. 

 “Who hasn’t experienced the difficulties of social lives conflicting with family obligations, or having loyalties tested by the demands of the social group versus the demands of the heart?

“They come to realise that, in many cases, Shakespeare offers them a vehicle to express their own truth, to make sense of their own world around them today.” (p36)

Image by: Teresa Robertson

Below are just a few of the highlights this year from the Drama Department:

National Awards Won in 2021:

  • Tony Woolf Award for Stage Combat: Kings’ High School, Romeo and Juliet
  • Best Actor in a Tragic Role: Zac Bell (King’s High School)
  • Selection for NSSP: Zac Bell and Daniel Honey (King’s High School)

You can read Andrews article by clicking on the attached flyer or click on the link for the Education Gazette, page 36.
