Student Trustee Election 2023
Your new Student Trustee for 2023/2024 is Seva Solomatenko
The election for the 2023 Student Trustee was held over the last few weeks. It was a very tight race again this year with only a handful of votes in it, (18 to be exact). Over 72% of school voted, well done to the students who took part!
Seva will become part of the team that has a pivotal role in the leadership and management of the school.
I want to acknowledge Angus Noone for running also, thank you for taking part and in doing so you have allowed every student in this school to have their say and be part of the process. "It does not matter that you win or lose, all that matters is the courage to participate", Unknown
I will take this opportunity to wish John Warman all the best and to thank him for the time he given as the Student Trustee for the last two years. You have done some fantastic work.
I would like to express my gratitude to the House Deans, and the office staff for their help. It takes a team to make sure students get the opportunity to take part in their democratic right to vote.