Sports Department — Nov 16, 2023

Tip of the Week

Yep – I agree, you have an expensive season coming up and no doubt starting to think about your Christmas shopping – and Black Friday Sales are a GREAT way to get things for a lower price…but it’s also a TRAP… follow these tips to avoid, falling into the black hole…

DON’T get tricked into thinking your saving money – this is ONLY the case if you were already committed to actually buying these things anyway, it’s also only the case if you’re not paying interest on the money you’re using to purchase the stuff! If you go crazy at these sales and get ‘bargains’ but they’re on your credit card for 12mths at 20% interest – then there is no savings! It’s also not cheaper if you end up buying stuff you don’t need or want and of course teaching yourself and those around you to spend more than you have, is NEVER cheaper…

Spend wisely, enjoy giving gifts and having a summer break, but most importantly give yourself the gift of financial control…

Becky Runga – Mortgage Adviser