Cursey Adie-Cropley — Sep 17, 2020

The election for the 2020 Student Trustee was held last week. It was a little different given the Alert Level we are in, however, the students just carried on!

It was a very tight race this year with only a handful of votes in it. Well done to the students who voted!

Congratulations to Ben Hawke who is now the Board of Trustees, Student Trustee for the 2020/2021 year. Ben will learn how governance works within the school and be part of the team that has a pivotal role in the management of the school.

I want to acknowledge Max Holgate. It is not often a Year 9 student will run in the election and I hope he considers taking part again in 2021. It takes a lot to just be part of the process. Fredrick Smith said "Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something." I must also recognise Hugh Askerud for his contribution over the last 12 months.

Once again I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs More from the office for her help and the Dunedin office of the Electoral Commission who lent us five different staff members over the five voting sessions to help and for allowing us to use their Voting Booths. This always makes the voting process fun and gives students an idea of what it is like to vote in local elections. 

Lastly, a big thank you to our Prefects. With the extra precautions due to Alert Level 2 we could not have managed without them. This year has seen us dealing with situations we never thought we would find ourselves in but it has also brought us together as teams to ensure everyone is kept safe. Thanks to George Bates for the wonderful photography.