Hero photograph
Photo by Angela Haig-McAuliffe

‘School of Choice’ – parent preference

Nick McIvor —

Thank you to the 152 Year 9 and 10 families who completed our survey last term about coming to King’s.

Your responses were very helpful. They gave us good insight about what’s enticed you to the school in the last few years, and what’s met your son’s needs once here.

Of those who replied 44% were out of zone and 56% were in zone (although we’ve not needed to apply our Enrolment Scheme since the zone’s initiation in 2016 - open access continues)

From the survey, below are some things that came through strongly:

Most helpful in making the decision to choose King’s:

‘Open Night’ and ‘Word of Mouth’, followed by ‘King’s sport and family/Old Boy connection’, then ‘School Prospectus’ and ‘Individual School Tour’

Aspects of most interest when choosing King’s:

‘Academic performance and opportunities’, then ‘School culture’, followed by ‘Sporting performance and opportunities’, ‘location’, and then ‘Arts and Cultural performance’ and ‘Pastoral/Guidance/Specialist Support’

Main reasons for choosing King’s overall:

Felt like the best fit, son chose the school/followed friends; Open Night – the boys’/teachers’ attitude/manner (the most prominent feedback).

Then, (in no particular order) structure and staff pushing the boys to achieve; from older brother experiences that had impressed; the excellent and welcoming culture of the school; King’s reputation/an outstanding school; teachers seem passionate about their job; academic opportunities/performance; character education; high personal standards and expectations

What your son likes about King’s now that he is here:

(In no particular order) Classes and relationships with teachers; group of friends/classmates; academic culture; favourite subjects; sport; music; independence; stability, fits in, feels safe; feels he can achieve; inclusive school; ‘everything!’