Hero photograph
Roll the credits
Photo by Jo Harford

Lockdown no problem for creative filmmakers!

Thomas Green & Jamie Honey —

The V48 Film Competition is a highly anticipated nationwide event where teams of filmmakers from around the country make a film in...well, 48 hours. This year's lockdown meant that the competition went ahead in a slightly adjusted format.

King's students Jamie Honey, Thomas Green, Daniel Honey and Mason Putt joined with guest stars RV Quijano (ex KHS) and Eve Scott to create a three minute Science Fiction Film that had to include a photograph, an echo and an arc shot. 

They had to deal with many challenges as Thomas and Jamie outline here;  

  • Working together from completely different locations. Many teams worked in their individual bubbles, however, we were challenged with creating a film from our separate houses, and in some cases, separate cities.

  • We faced challenges when looking into our genre of Science Fiction. Such a broad topic has so many little inconveniences in terms of what we can pull off. It’s very hard to write a space opera in your living room.

  • We faced challenges in trying to tell a coherent story in the small time limit of under 3 minutes, which was our maximum time limit. We had to make decisions about what was essential to have and what we could cut. You can’t really develop characters when you only have about three minutes to work with.

  • We also had difficulties in trying to determine how we can feasibly make the film. Our first script was gonna be set in space, but although everyone loved the concept, we realized that we cannot make a space setting when we’re trapped inside our homes. So we ended up scrapping that script and reworking it.

  • Lastly we didn’t exactly have access to the best of filming equipment or conditions. All the film was collected via our phones. Even editing proved challenging as it was hard to share work with the group.

Lesson Learned?

The more blood, sweat and tears you pour into your film, the more satisfied you are with the result.