Cursey Adie-Cropley — Mar 28, 2022

With all the heartbreaking images we are seeing, it's hard to imagine what the people in Ukraine are going through, but two King's Old Boys' are doing what they can to help.

Jared Mitchell (attended 1993-1997) and Michael Mitchell (attended 2002-2006) have opened their homes in Bulgaria to Ukrainian refugees. Jared and his wife, along with Michael offered assistance and were soon getting requests for help. 

As per the ODT Article on 17 March 2022, Jared took in a family of six spanning three generations and Michael initially housed four refugees. They just wanted to help as many people as they could. They have also given monetary help, buying supplies for a refugee centre and raising money from overseas.

At the time of the article more than three million people had fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion started on 24 February and 70,000 of them have flowed into Bulgaria, one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Jared and his wife started fund-raising pages on Givealittle and Fundly. Mr Mitchell said money would help other families who were hosting refugees: