Hugh Askerud — Jun 17, 2021

Event report by Hugh Askerud

Last Thursday marked the end of the annual OSSSA Cross Country Series.  The series composed of four brutal runs testing not only the ability of the runners but the mental fortitude of the boys under tough conditions. 

I can tell you for a fact that you haven’t seen fear until you’ve seen the eyes of a Year 9 standing on the start line in Milton waiting for his demise!

The other schools are cutthroat in the cross country series with Otago Boys' High School (OBHS) and John McGlashan College (JMC) both bolstering their impressive rosters from previous years. 

Our Senior Relay team was a star-studded Year 13 army made up of Spencer Gable, Ezekiel Stewart, Harry Mason, and Ollie Young. While we were unable to reach the heights of JMC or OBHS, we sure gave it our best shot in King's High School 'fashion'.

At the Caversham relay, the atmosphere around the start line was full of social frivolity and nervous tension as all of the boys geared themselves up for a 2km sprint around the block. 

 After having run the Caversham relay for five years I can confidently say that nothing has changed about this totem of the cross country series except that they gave us Mars Bars in Year 9 and then proceeded to never give them out again keeping the runners from that year in a state of eternal disappointment!

Next up was the Milton Road Race which everyone hates but everyone loves for reasons which are unexplainable to the casual observer. It was absolutely heartwarming to see the Year 9’s and Year 10’s run their first race at Milton this year; witnessing the aforementioned fear in their eyes. 

Lastly, we had the Otago Championships at Kaikorai Valley College (KVC). Mr Koedyk put it best when he stated that, "I have never had a dry run at KVC”. This race ended off what had been a great cross-country series and my last in the team. 

It has been an honour running cross country for the school every year and I feel like I really progressed under the tutelage of Mr Koedyk and Geoff Anderson. If you look close enough you will see that the runners Mr Koedyk trains in Year 9, are never the fastest but he has a way of giving them enthusiasm to run, pushing them to be their best and continue running. This is the beauty of running cross country at King's High School and the mentoring that helps us achieve our best and enjoy it.