Rachel Campbell — Aug 5, 2021

Key information and Dates.

Couse Selection Help for Tertiary Study

Key Tertiary institutions will be at King's High School over the next term to help students with course selection and any other issues they may have. Make sure you come along and ask any questions.

Scholarship Application Closing Dates

Scholarship applications for key Universities close on the following dates. Note that there is no leniency on closing dates/times and submission after these dates will mean your application is not considered.

Hall of Residence Applications

Hall of Residence applications are now open for most Universities. Applications close mid-late September, depending on the Institute, however it is strongly advised to get your application in well in advance of this. Details for specific Universities can be found via the following links:

University of Victoria Open Day

The University of Victoria is holding their Open Day on Friday 20th August. A programme and further details can be found via the University’s website https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/study/events-visits/open-day

Auckland University Open Day

The University of Auckland is holding their Open Day on Saturday 28th August. Further details can be found at openday.ac.nz

University of Canterbury Open Day

The University of Canterbury are holding their Open Day on Thursday 9th September. Further information can be found via their website https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/events/tours-and-events/open-days

ETCO Foundation Programme

ETCO have a new programme, which may begin in the next six weeks or so. It is a new one-year New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 3), or Electrical Trade Foundation Course for students who are looking for a pathway into a career in the Electrical Industry. The course would run for 42 weeks. The purpose of this qualification is to equip people with underpinning electrical knowledge and basic practical skills to enter further training, such as an apprenticeship in the electrical industry and related electrical fields. It would be three days a week allowing them to get a part time job or to do some work experience. The prerequisite for this course is NCEA Level 1 credits in Mathematics, Science and English.

If you are interested in this programme or would like more information, please see Mrs Campbell the Careers Office.

Queenstown Resort College Information Evening

Queenstown Resort College (QRC) will be holding an Information Evening in Dunedin on Monday 16th August. This will be held at the Heritage Leisure Lodge, Oaast House Room, 30 Duke Street, North Dunedin from 6.00pm-7.30pm. There will be a presentation following by a Q&A session with light refreshments provided.