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Good Sorts

Nick McIvor —

Over two days last week we had two good sorts doing good deeds.

Each week a lot of lost property comes to the office. Often its bits and pieces found in the school like bags, lunch boxes, books and items of clothing. Last week was different. On one occasion a young man from Year 12 politely presented a blazer he found in the school. The delighted owner (and owner’s family) got it the next day as the student who’d normally be wearing it was not at school at the time. Not only did the blazer come back but the significant cash and credit card in the wallet in its pocket. All were as they had been originally. I thanked the young man who returned the blazer for his honesty, consideration of others and good character. What a role model.

Assuming this would be hard to surpass, a second student from Year 10 came to the office last week after finding a ring at The Oval during the Interschool Touch match against Waitaki Boys’ High School. As he described it to me, a group of boys were passing around a ring they’d picked up. They thought it might be some sort of Speight’s promotional ring being gold in colour and having a row of three small stars on top. The student decided to take it to the office anyway – just in case it was owned by one of the supporters at the game. As it turned it out it was, the ring was a 52 year old gold wedding ring with three diamonds on top! This was a King’s boy doing the right thing but perhaps not quite appreciating just how much he was. Suffice to say the owner was more than a little impressed when she met him at the office to collect her ring and to express her gratitude. His conduct was exemplary.

Our praise for both boys was for their integrity and willingness to help and do the right thing without being asked. It was also a good reminder that we have so many upright young men in our school who are guided by a positive regard for others. Nice one boys!